Monday, January 17, 2011

How To : Play Multiple Account with Script at the Same Time. (part 2)

In previous part I've teach you about how to open the Firefox profile manager to use for travian multi account purpose. Firefox profile manager is a good thing you should know if you play travian because it will help you to separate your account with others so MultiHunter wont detect you easily by cookie stored in the browser. Another good things about profile manager is, you can manage each profile with script or not. So this will help you to organize your firefox.

In this part i will teach you about how to make a shortcut so you wont see the profile manager everytime you open the firefox. This can help you to open directly which account you want to open without going to profile manager window each time you open your firefox.

From the previous part, I've teach you until how to open a profile manager, and what you will have until that is only you able to open firefox, then choose what profile you want to use
-->> its should look something like this

-->> So now what you have to do is go to where your firefox located at your browser>>right click>>properties

 and this will appear

-->> at the target it should look like this if you install the firefox browser by default
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
* please note that I'm using 64bit windows so that i have the (x86) tag there, for normal 32bit windows it should appear something like this
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
-->> Now what you have to do is changing your target by adding
-P yourprofilehere -no-remote 
right after your .exe"
For example, my profile name is 'amroll'
the target link now should look like this
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P amroll -no-remote

-->> Now try clicking your icon, if you follow my steps correctly you will see the browser directly without seeing the profile manager windows.

-->>If you have completed all the steps above, you can repeat it with all your firefox profile and rename it so you can know which is which.

Example to show if you have two profile browser, you can customize each in your own way including the scripts!
click to enlarge

p/s - If you have any problem regarding this, just leave at comment section below. thank you.


Anonymous said...

Im brazilian and I liked your post.Write about fire proxy, it´s a nice program (:

serkaneroglu said...

dude i couldn do it?
i tryed all your steps but in the end i couldnt make 2 icon on the screen. and i couldnt start 2 browser at the same time

amroll said...

which part u stuck on?i just make it just now by following the steps and it works fine..

to make 2 icon on the desktop is just as firefox shortcut(copy and paste),,the difference between the 1st profile and 2nd profile is at the properties>target.

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